And now…the bad news
Well, today was the day. The Roadmaster went into the shop to have the Safety Inspection and Emissions tests done. Cleaning the EGR valve and running Seafoam through the vacuum system failed to get it to pass an emissions test last week so it’s up to my mechanic to figure it out now.
The mechanic called me to let me know that the following was needed.
-Needs shocks (I supplied these)
-Needs a rad (I knew that)
-Needs tie-rod ends (Ministry of Transportation said they would pass, but should be done soon)
-Needs a front sway bar (Ministry didn’t notice this…probably because it’s missing)
-Needs a driver’s seat belt (I knew the seatbelt was frayed but didn’t think anything of it. Mechanic says he’ll ignore it as it’s not terrible and I can replace it myself)
-Needs wiper blades (Seriously?)
-A new emergency brake cable
All of that will put me over budget on what I planned to spend, but now the car will have it’s safety certification and a passed e-test. Most of the parts have been done, but the tech ran out of hours in the day to get it all done. They left the car up on the hoist overnight with the brake cable dangling from the underbelly. All of the rest of the parts have already been put on and tomorrow they’ll have a go at passing the emissions test.