Dreaming of warmer times
I’m dreaming of all the cool stuff I want to do to my Roadmaster as soon as the weather warms up.
I’m dreaming of all the cool stuff I want to do to my Roadmaster as soon as the weather warms up.
The Roadmaster is running fine and there have been no re-occurrences of the weird issue that prevented it from starting over the weekend.
My Roadmaster is a little sick. I had it hauled off to the doctor today.
I haven’t been outside to work on the Roadmaster much over the last little while.
Well the Roadmaster started acting a little funny this morning. When I got to my parking spot and shifted into reverse to back in the wagon hesitated before backing up. I pulled the car forward and backward a few times and drove it around the lot a bit. It was very consistent about hesitating after…
One of the perks when I bought the Roadmaster wagon was that it came with a set of snow tires. My plan is not to drive the wagon in the winter, but since I haven’t been able to sell my 1981 Pontiac Parisienne yet, it was good that I happened to have a set of…
It’s a little too cold outside to do much automotive work at the moment but I’m just itching to get started. I figure a good place to start work with an LT1 engine is the “Home Plate Delete” modification which involves removing the intake air filter resonator. While I really do like the stock look…
Well I had my court date today. It was a much smoother process than everyone led me to believe it would be. The waiting area has seating for 60 people, and I expected to spend the day sitting there waiting my turn. The tickets give the address on the back and say “9:00AM SHARP!”…yes the…
While I’ve been driving around I keep hearing a sloshing sound from the rear of the car. I presumed it to be a rear washer fluid jug at first but it turns out that the Roadmaster wagon doesn’t have a rear fluid jug. I started nosing around in the back and ultimately started tearing out…
It was a little bit expensive, but overall it cost a little less than I was prepared for. All of the repairs are done and the car is legal to drive on the roads. Now…to deal with the court system.