The March Of The Beanheads

I’ve always failed to understand the allure of Tim Horton’s. While I’ve been known to launch attacks of near genocidal proportions upon a box of doughnuts, I’ve never developed a taste for coffee. the concept of waiting in enormous lines several times per day for a beverage makes the prospect of my developing the coffee-zombie… I'm a Wii-Ner

I know, I know you’re thinking “Why do they always come out to me?”. I’m sorry, but it’s true…I love Wii…there, I said it. I’ve looked down on the weenie little whitebox for some time perched high upon my pedestal playing Star Wars games both new and old on my PS2 and XBOX360. Both of…


National Geographic brings new Infinite Photograph online

As something of a shutterbug I love browsing through photographs. Even more compelling is the concept of photo-mosaics. For those of you who haven’t encountered them, a photo mosaic is generally a picture that is comprised of many smaller pictures. Each of the smaller pictures are chosen by colours to provide appropriate shading and texture…